Power outage news worldwide, before 2021 (Page 123)

Go to the main page Power outage news from around the world (before 2021) to see power blackouts around the world before 2021.

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Power outage news from around the world

For prompt power outage notifications to your phone see a power failure alarm.


5.0 (based on 12 reviews)

iSocket for power outages monitoring in the United States and Canada

 From ordering to installing, everything went smoothly and gently. What an easy way to set up!

 From ordering to installing, everything went smoothly and gently. What an easy way to set up!

5.0 By from Belgium

A small cost for the peace of mind and comfort that iSocket gives you.

Remember, the cost of the damage from a power outage can be considerably more than the cost of a solution that will send you power outage notifications. And remember, power failure alerting is not the only feature iSocket offers you.
A woman driving lost control of her car and hit the electrical box.

Crash causes power outage in South Fargo

A crash on Gold Drive in south Fargo has left the power out for Xcel Energy customers.
“the key thing for Community Electric is safety for our personnel. In order to do any work safely with the high voltage levels, it requires that the substation be de-energized"

Community Electric Cooperative postpones maintenance power outage due to freeze alerts

Jonathan Thompson, Chief Operations Officer with Community Electric Cooperative said based on the freeze alerts they have decided to postpone their scheduled maintenance power outage until the cont…
A power outage in west Wichita has affected about 3,000 Westar Energy customers. USA

Power restored to about 4,000 Westar customers in west Wichita

About 3,000 Westar Energy customers are affected by a power outage in west Wichita.
Light-rail service restored to Sea-Tac airport after power outage (failure of an underground switch)

Power outage shuts down Link service to SeaTac

Related to failure of underground switch, expected to take 6-8 hours to fix
Power outages can be easier to cope with if you keep these tips in mind…


We maintain the safety and integrity of our system of underground natural gas pipes through a robust program of inspections, maintenance and upgrades.
Overnight power outage affects 1,500 customers, MN USA

Overnight power outage affects 1,500 customers

HIBBING — The southeast section of town was out of power for a couple of hours late Thursday night into early Friday morning.
"Rubber gloves, sleeves and boots, heat-retardant clothing, a 60-pound tool belt, a hardhat and safety goggles are just some of the precautions taken as he and other crew members handle up to 13,000 volts with their gloved hands." - interesting story how DTE Energy crews work through a power outage (LONG POST)

How DTE Energy crews work through a power outage

How DTE Energy crews work through a power outage - When the power goes out, it’s all hands on deck.
Lights in Grand Rapids restored after power outage

Lights in Grand Rapids restored after power outage

Street lights and stop lights are back on in Grand Rapids following a power outage.
Marlins go dark in campus-wide power outage

Marlins go dark in campus-wide power outage

By Justin Smith Virginia Wesleyan College suffered from a campus-wide power outage the morning of Tuesday, March 8 when the college’s maintenance staff accidentally struck an underground power line...
Two cables that connect the buildings to the Electrical Distribution Center overheated and were badly burned.

Power outage hits Kerr Drummond residence hall

Power outages can cause a lot of stress and a lot of delays, especially when they occur in the middle of the night.