Power outage news worldwide, before 2021 (Page 9)

Go to the main page Power outage news from around the world (before 2021) to see power blackouts around the world before 2021.

For power failure news after 2021 visit one of the following pages:
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Power outage news from around the world

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5.0 (based on 12 reviews)

iSocket for power outages monitoring in the United States and Canada

 From ordering to installing, everything went smoothly and gently. What an easy way to set up!

 From ordering to installing, everything went smoothly and gently. What an easy way to set up!

5.0 By from Belgium

A small cost for the peace of mind and comfort that iSocket gives you.

Remember, the cost of the damage from a power outage can be considerably more than the cost of a solution that will send you power outage notifications. And remember, power failure alerting is not the only feature iSocket offers you.

How would you feel to get a blackout during World Cup?

Power cut hits UK as England play Colombia in World Cup with fans in London and Middlesborough missing game

Power cut kills 60 tropical fish at nursery school

The electricity was being cut off for two days over a weekend in March. When teachers arrived back at work they found fish dead. They 'angry' at the utility for not alerting them to the power cut. Tropical fish need the water to stay at around 27C and rely on pumps to oxygenate the water - with a powercut often causing tropical fish to die.

Santiago, Chile to reduce traffic problems in case of power outages

A total of 1,041 traffic lights will be supported by external batteries, in order to operate autonomously in case of power outages. In addition, the initiative – in its final stage – contemplated the replacement of halogen lamps to LED.

Power out in Matua and Whakamarama

More than 4000 properties in Matua and Whakamarama are without power. The reason of the power cut is unknown.

Frustration as residents experience 15 power cuts this year

Don't believe if someone tells you that power cuts in the UK are rare. Residents in Little Lullaway, Basildon are feeling powerless after being left without power. They say the issue has been on going for about four years.

Businesses are suffering from power cuts in Glasgow

They tell "3rd party damage to electrical equipment causing the power cut". People say: "I saw a girl put her card in a cash machines and it was swallowed. Chefs are standing outside restaurants because they can't cook. Everything has just stopped."

Equipment failure is the root of many power outages.

Nearly 2,500 were without power at the Oceanfront, Virginia Beach because of that reason, according to Dominion.

Heath Twp. Power Outage

A small power outage in Heath Twp. About 50 were without power.

Power failure to Orana Wildlife Park, New Zealand

Do you wanna be trapped with lions, tigers and gorillas around? No! Then don't hit power poles near zoo. :) A driver was trapped in the vehicle after a crash outside Christchurch's zoo, New Zealand, after hit a power pole.

Power cuts are for the birds!

They believe it was a bird caused a power cut in Abergele. A Scottish Power spokesman said: "Engineers are investigating what happened, but it is believed a bird struck a power cable". “Bird strikes are rare occurrences, but they do happen from time to time.”